Sunday, January 19, 2014


This group is stopping on careless gold mining . Earthworks' main job have ideas to teach consumers and jewelers about how bad many impact on rivers, lakes, community.
90 miles of streams and 4,800 acres of wetlands near Bristol Bay Alaska  are being helped by the organization is helping to protect . This is the area home to the an area of the world's biggest salmon population of the arguable Pebble Mine.

One gold ring can make 20 tons of toxic mine waste Earthworks battles to stop loopholes in the Cleasn Water Act that is put into fresh water by mining company.

YOu can give money to help for campaigns such as the "No Dirty Gold" campaigns which pressures hewelry retailers to sign the Golden Rule for making gold.

When you buy gold jewelry by recycled gold.
Your cell phone should be sent to Earthworks as they recycle them as the cellphone prograsm to stop the need for mineral mining  The cellphones have balladium, silver, gold and copper.

Help the Nature's Conservacy

This is a nonprofit helps keep the rainforests alive  by working with the governments  to help manage protected areas and sustainable jobs.

Rainforests are the most wide area on earth that have such a variety of plauna and flora. It holds 5 to 10 percent parts of the worlds areas that are tropical.

Your money saves tropical rain forests and coastal region of Costa Rica Osa Pennisula. This area was once a pure area without greedy people who want to destroy habitat they are now being ruined by mining logging tourism by farming, mining, logging tourism . You can make sure that 400,000 forest areas are protected  for $50.

If you care enough about the rain forest creates a nature fund  for tbhe Nature Conservancy to raise money in them. When you are using a search engine to brose the internet  the web site a search engine and when you use it it gives money to the nature Conservacys Plant  a Billion Trees Program

How to help Friends of the Earth

The group keeps protest protects ocean and marine life from being posioned by contamination from ships and setting regulations Friends of the Earth had a part in last years establishment from ships by setting up regulations .
Friends of the Earth had a part in last years establishment of the North American Commisision Control. This law doesn't allow ships for allowing daily bunker within 200 miles of the coast.

210,000 gallons sewage from a large cruise ship each week inbto water near the shores this amount of sewage could fill 10 backyard swimming pools.

When you give to this charity the money is used for research, for ther annual cruise ship report  and puts a list in order  depending on the air and water pollution footprints . Someone who wants to gio on a ship  they will get to take a greener cruise.  Friends of the Earth  wants you to to to their website to see how to start one in your neighborhood

The Pollination Pathway support flora and flouna

The pollinator Pathway comes out of Seattle. This project gives food and shelter birds in the Seattle area along with its bees and butterflies .
Those animals are fed in the middle of the city of Seattle  in gardens that are pollinatos and a mile long . This group is small but persiussive about one third of the food we eat and flowers  have 75 percent of the world's flower plants , they two groups rely on pollinators , These are falling because of habitat loss and pesticide use. Founder of the Pollinator Pathway, Srarah Bergmann  said, "There's more to it  than honeybee decline in our area . native pollinators need help like the bumblebee.

Buy plants for the gardens and to take care of them. $50 dollars keeps a garden running for a month.

Give garden tools for the mulching  they do biannually and parties for planting .
Contact the organization for information and for how to start one of these in your own area.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Colony Collapse Disorder

It is spring, it hasn't felt like it,  but it is still spring and summer will be here before you know it. And we all know from our school science and Biology classes that honeybees pollinate flowers and make honey. Have you noticed so far this spring that there are not as many bees out?

The researchers think this is happening . It is so bad it has been given a name called Colony Collapse Disorder. There are guesses such as bacteria, genetics, many different viruses, poor nutrition, habitat loss and the infamous belief it's pesticides.

Colony Collapse Disorder started in 2006 when honey bees just started to disappear. The honey bees are very important  to our farm crops  because they pollinate the foods we eat and 90 different flowers. Other insects pollinate some flowers and farmer's crops but it's most important that honey bees pollinate the crops they pollinate because they polinate 80% of the food we eat.

The Agriculturre Department and the Environmental Protection Agency gave a federal report this week that gave the reasons they think the biggest reason is parasitic mite varroa destructor and called the parasite , "the single most detrimental pest of honeybees"

The United States isn't the only country that has Colony Collapse Disorder. It is also prevalent in Europe . Europe has other ideas about Colony Collapse Disorder. The people of Europe want to ban a type of pesticide called neonicotinoids because European Environamental groups say that type of pesticide is the reason for Colony Collapse Disorder. The US is completely different in belief  and said if they consider pesticide  it is at the end of each list. Even though there is in the United States an environmental group  calling itself Pesticide Action North America says the US should also consider banning the same pesticides Europe wants to ban.
When the environmental group said that about pesticides, a top bee researcher from the University of Illinois , May Berenbaum gave an interview  that said if Europe and the US banned that type of pesticide said that there are more things than just the pesticide that could be a cause of death of honey bees, In fact, there have been a 100 or so different chemicals found in beehives of the dead bees.
Diana Cox, a Penn State University expert on bees says there are many reasons for Colony Collapse Disorder and said, "And you can't parse anyone out to be the smoking gun.

Jeff Pettis who is a USDA researcher said that there is less areas bees can forage because of the waymodern farmers operate.