Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Pollination Pathway support flora and flouna

The pollinator Pathway comes out of Seattle. This project gives food and shelter birds in the Seattle area along with its bees and butterflies .
Those animals are fed in the middle of the city of Seattle  in gardens that are pollinatos and a mile long . This group is small but persiussive about one third of the food we eat and flowers  have 75 percent of the world's flower plants , they two groups rely on pollinators , These are falling because of habitat loss and pesticide use. Founder of the Pollinator Pathway, Srarah Bergmann  said, "There's more to it  than honeybee decline in our area . native pollinators need help like the bumblebee.

Buy plants for the gardens and to take care of them. $50 dollars keeps a garden running for a month.

Give garden tools for the mulching  they do biannually and parties for planting .
Contact the organization for information and for how to start one of these in your own area.

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